Succession Season 4, Episode 6

Jeremy Fassler
7 min readMay 1, 2023
Photograph courtesy of HBO

Kendall Roy has had a lot of terrible ideas. He wrote and performed a rap for his dad that made “Angela Bassett did the thing” look like “Lose Yourself.” He told his kids they could feed their rabbit bagels. He threw a birthday party for himself with an entryway designed to look like a birth canal. But Living+, the new Waystar product that gives this episode of Succession his name, may be the single worst idea he’s ever had.

To put it simply, Living+ is a series of Waystar-planned communities, where (presumably wealthy White) people can escape the difficulties of the world in Waystar-sponsored bliss, going to town halls sponsored by ATN, attending advance screenings of Waystar Studios movies, and possibly even achieving eternal life. It sounds like absolute Hell on Earth, not to mention impossible to execute. If Living+ were a play, to quote The Producers, it would close on page four. But as Bialystock and Bloom know with Springtime for Hitler (and we’ll get back to Nazis later) so too does Kendall know with Living+. He doesn’t want to go through with it: he just wants to jack the Waystar stock price up so high with BS numbers that Matsson backs off and keeps the company in the family’s hands.

Living+ is an expansion of “Land Cruises,” one of Logan’s last ideas before he died. At the beginning of the episode, the Roys watch outtakes of a video their Dad made before…



Jeremy Fassler

Correspondent, The Capitol Forum. Bylines: The New York Times, The Atlantic, Mother Jones, etc. Co-author of The Deadwood Bible with Matt Zoller Seitz.